Requesting a Budget Transfer
Sheila is responsible, among other things, for two investment plans that have had very different levels of success. She wants to reallocate money from a team that is coming in under target to an investment plan that requires more budget.
If you are on the Budget tab:
in the Panel column inline with the investment plan from which you want to transfer budget.
Click Request Transfer at the top of the panel.
The Roll-up panel opens.
If you are on the Investments tab:
Make sure this is the investment plan from which you want transfer budget. If not navigate to the appropriate plan.
Click Request Transfer above the grid.
Enter the amount that should be transferred.
Make sure you have selected the correct currency.
In the Type field, select Transfer.
In the From field, select the investment plan from which the amount will be deducted.
In the field right to the From field, select the according budget attribute.
In the To field, select the investment plan from which the amount will be added.
In the field right to the To field, select the according budget attribute.
Optional: Enter a description in the field at the bottom of the dialog.
Click Send.
The Request a transfer dialog is opened.
You have requested a budget transfer.
In case you are an assigned approver for the investment plan the request is auto-approved. If you are not eligible to approve budget transfers for this investment plan, the according approvers are informed about your request by e-mail. Your request is in pending status and you can monitor the request, see Monitor a Request.